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Roadmap for 247crypto.watch

As conversations around crypto come up, I'm continually amazed at just how little I know. These discussions often lead to a list of features I would like to add to 247crypto.watch.

Some of these features will be easy to implement, others will be much more complex, from both a technical understanding of how crypto works, and whehter it can actually be implemented with APIs or whether I need to build out a full stand alone system.

Below, you can find a rough list of what I'd like to implement into this platform, so everyone can make the most of this agnostic tool, designed to be used, however one desires to do so.

If you feel something in this list needs urgent attention, or you'd like to see a feature added, that has not been listed above, please don't hesitate to get in touch here.

While I can't make any guarantees or give time frames on when features will be implemented, some elements are much faster to implement, such as adding a new crypto or token, while others, such as manipulating how data from an API looks, are much more complicated.

If there is a feature you really desire, there is a way to Support Development that you can find at the bottom of this page. Any proceeds will go directly into streamlining the features you request.

That said, I hope you've enjoyed using 247crypto.watch so far and would like to wish you a fantastic day ahead!